Clash.GG Promo Code 2024 "HELLAGOOD" | Get Daily Free Case (2024)

What is Promo Code

Alongside many generous bonuses and promotions gambling site has to offer, promo code stands out as the plume of the unique bonus pyramid.

The reason why it is so popular are various benefits like deposit bonus, active rakeback, and free CS2 case that are waiting for you for free. Let’s dig in to find out everything you need to know about this promo code.

What is the best Coupon Code

There are many different codes out there, but all of them have in common that they are free, do not require anything in return, and can be activated only once.

We have gathered a list of the best coupon codes that will instantly give you a free CS2 daily case, an additional 5 % deposit bonus, and long-lasting rakeback income.

How to Use Promo Code has made it simple and easy to claim all of the benefits promo code has to offer. Follow the next step-by-step guidelines to complete this straightforward process:

  1. First, Head over to the website and Sign in using one of the available methods like Steam, Google, or your e-mail.
  2. Upon signing up, look for the green “Rewards” tab in the top left corner of your screen and click on it.
  3. Afterward, type in a valid promo code. For example, use promo code “HELLAGOOD” and click on the green “Redeem Code” button to claim the benefits.
  4. Instantly you will get daily free CS2 case. Make sure to top up your balance account to take advantage of 5 % deposit bonus and also start wagering to get a certain rakeback percentage of your wagers in return.

What Can I receive with Codes

Each promo code from our list brings you a full package of the following long-lasting features that come free of charge:

  • Daily free cases – every day you can grant a new CS2 case that contains a bunch of CS2 skins. Every time you will get a randomly picked item and as you level up you will unlock new cases with more expensive items to pick up
  • 5 % deposit bonus – for every deposit made, gain an additional 5 % bonus of the deposited amount. This generous benefit will be available for a couple of days after activation of the promo code, so make sure to stay active and fully use it
  • Rakeback – this long-lasting option gives you a certain percentage of every placed wager back to your account. It is divided into 3 tiers. At the start, you have 0,25 % rakeback and as you level up, you can get to 0,75 % rakeback of every wager you make.

What are requirements for Using Code promo code does not require strict wagering conditions to successfully use all of the benefits it offers. Below are set requirements that won’t be hard to achieve:

  • Active account – naturally, you need to have a registered account to be able to claim promo code
  • A valid Clash.GG promo code – there are many false codes out there so we suggest looking from trusted sources only. Luckily, we have provided you with a list of promo codes for carefree benefits
  • Taking action – if you want to take full advantage of the promo code, it is necessary to make deposits and wager to get an additional 5 % bonus and additional rakeback Information
bonusDaily Free Case + Rakeback + 5% Deposit Bonus
Trustpilot Rating3.9 – Great
Promo Codehellagood Up!

Clash.GG Promo Code 2024 "HELLAGOOD" | Get Daily Free Case (1)

Other rewards

There are various other promotions you can participate in to boost your earnings, especially if you combine them with one of our promo codes like “CSGOCATALOG”. Below we have described promotions waiting for you:

  • Free bonus case: Add “” to your Steam nickname and you will be granted a free daily case. Bear in mind that you need to be level 5 or higher on Steam to use this promotion
  • Seasonal events: There are always ongoing races, raffles, jackpots, etc. Currently, a 10k race is active where you are collecting points by wagering. The more points you get, the higher your position will be on the race leaderboard, which means that you will get a bigger share of the prize pool.
  • Rain: this one is a free-to-play option, all you need to be active and pass the KYC process to be able to collect a share of the Rain gems every half an hour

Clash.GG Promo Code 2024 "HELLAGOOD" | Get Daily Free Case (2)

What is the difference between Promo Code and Affiliate Code

Although promo code and affiliate code might sound the same, there is a big difference. The Promo code is meant for new and current players who want to claim a whole lot of benefits it has to offer, such as a deposit bonus, daily free cases, and rakeback.

However, the affiliate code is for those who want to spread the word about gambling platform and attract new users. For every new user that activates your code, you will get a certain commission on each of their wagers. That way you can increase your income massively, while referrals get a full package of benefits.

Nikola Stevanovic



Oct 18, 2023 | Last updated: May 22, 2024

Nikola, aka Nidzan online, is an author and content writer at Playoholic. Based in Europe and although he doesn’t remember much from his early childhood, he does remember getting an NES controller in his hands at the age of two. After that, one console led to another, franchise mascots were born and abandoned, and the rest is history. Nowadays, Nidzan spends most of his time within the gaming space writing about a wide variety of topics including gambling websites, esports events, and a wide variety of video games such as CS:GO.

Clash.GG Promo Code 2024 "HELLAGOOD" | Get Daily Free Case (2024)
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