Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (2024)

Last updated on Apr 22, 2024 at 08:58by Petko1 comment

Welcome to our guide to the Ruby Life Pools dungeon in theDragonflight World of Warcraft expansion. This guide will covereverything you need to know about the dungeon, including how to get to it,its layout, the trash and boss mechanics within, and its loot.


Getting into Ruby Life Pools

Ruby Life Pools is a Dragonflight dungeon located in theThe Waking Shores zone on the Dragon Isles.The nearest flight point for both Alliance and Horde players isRuby Life Pools, The Waking Shore. Upon arrival, head a short way southuntil you see the dungeon to the left of the mountain.

Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (1)

This guide will focus on an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital informationto complete it across all difficulties (Normal, Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (2)Heroic,and Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (3)Mythic). We will cover all 3 boss fights supported by the mostnotable trash enemies in thedungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the otherDragonflight Dungeons or the upcoming Mythic+ season instead, please see ouroverviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!

Overview of Dragonflight DungeonsDragonflight Mythic+ Season 4


Ruby Life Pools Layout


Unlock a Checkpoint Throughout the Dungeon

There is only one unique checkpoint upon death, and that is upon defeatingthe first boss of the dungeon, Melidrusa Chillworn. You canuse the Radiant Drake to fly towards the next area Ruby Overlookwhere you can find the remaining bosses of the instance Kokia Blazehoofand Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein.

Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (6)


Infusion Chambers and Melidrussa Chillworn

  • Primal Juggernaut is one of the most dangerous non-boss-enemiesin this dungeon with its lethal cast of Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (7) Excavating Blast; avoid itat all costs. The mob will also deal Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (8) Crushing Smash to your tank,essentially having a "tank-buster" ability.
  • Use crowd-control abilities to stop Flashfrost Earthshaper's mass AoEspell - Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (9) Tectonic Slam.
  • Interrupt Flashfrost Chillweaver's single-target cast -Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (10) Icebolt. The mob will also channel Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (11) Ice Shield to a randomenemy, the longer the channel goes, the higher the numerical value of the shieldwill be, once the mob is shielded, it will also get an immunity tocrowd-control effects. Stop this at all cost!
  • Last but not least, careful how you walk in the Infusion Chambersarea, as if you or any non-boss-enemy walk over any Dragon Eggs, theywill spawn Infused Whelps, which will occasionally cast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (12) Cold Clawson their primary target. They apply Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (13) Primal Chill stacks, dealing damage and slowingyou down, upon reaching maximum stacks (8) you will be frozen, so watch out!

The first "mini-boss" you will face is located at the end ofThe Infusion Chambers area just before engaging the first bossof the dungeon - Melidrusa Chillworn. He is more known asDefier Draghar, with significantly more health than the restof the non-boss-enemies, having 2 important abilities to watch outfor:

  • Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (14) Steel Barrage is an incredibly tough tank-buster channel, useactive mitigation to help you survive. In addition, every time a tick ofRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (15) Steel Barrage goes through, it will spawn a Motel Steelfragment on the ground that does damage upon contact.
  • Watch out for Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (16) Blazing Rush, the deadly charge targets a randomplayer and upon contact will deal massive damage, it will also leave atough Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (17)Bleed effect on you, so avoid this at all cost. A common strategy for theRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (18) Blazing Rush ability is to stack near a wall and "bait" the charge so youincrease the uptime on all melee damage dealers!


Melidrussa Chillworn Boss Guide

Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (19)


All Roles

  • Periodically, Melidrusa Chillworn will spawn Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (21) Hailbombson each player, leaving a block of ice on the ground. They will permanently stayon the floor, and if you ever get in contact with one, it will deal massive damage.It is best to "bait" them close to each other to save space around the room.
  • The boss will occasionally cast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (22) Chillstorm on a random player;quickly move out from the center of the storm. During the Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (23) Chillstormeveryone from your party will take damage, and at the end of the cast it willexplode, damaging everyone. This effect will push you back, so make sure you donot hit any existing Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (24) Hailbombs fragments on the ground.
  • Once the boss casts Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (25) Awaken Whelps, be ready to deal damage toquickly defeat them while breaking the Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (26) Frost Overload as quick as possible,to stop the pulsating damage to everyone and interrupt her.



  • Beware of Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (28) Frigid Shard casts; they are quick and non-interruptible.
  • Gather threat against the Infused Whelps as soon as you can and stackthem on top of the Melidrusa Chillworn for effective cleave.



  • Prepare to use healing cooldowns during Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (29) Chillstorm. Not onlywill everyone take damage during it, but at the end of the explosion, if peopleare not "topped up," they might die because of the high damage of the explosion.
  • Use your healing cooldowns to cover the damage coming from Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (30) Frost Overload.


The Ruby Overlook and Kokia Blazehoof


Notable Trash Before Kokia Blazehoof

Immediately after defeating Melidrusa Chillworn, hop on theone of the Radiant Drakes, who will carry you to the next areaof Ruby Overlook.

There are 2 additional "mini-bosses" located in this area that you are goingto face prior to engaging Kokia Blazehoof: Thunderhead, locatedto the left after landing, and Flamegullet, located to the right after landing,with each of them having unique abilities.

  • Thunderhead is slightly harder to deal with of the two. DodgeRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (33) Storm Breath at all cost, as only a few ticks of this frontal will likelykill you.
  • Beware of Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (34) Thunder Jaw, the "tank-buster" ability that will always goon the tank, dealing high damage and knocking them back.
  • Last but not least, watch out for Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (35) Rolling Thunder debuffs.It will always apply 2 applications, each of them going on a randomplayer from your party. Upon expiring, it will deal massive damage to allplayers within 100 yds, so the best way to deal with it is to letyour healer dispel one target and wait until the second debuff expires, soyou can delay the damage coming out of it. Upon dispelling, it will dealthe full damage that you would normally get upon the debuff expiring.
  • Flamegullet is the easier "mini-boss" that you must face.Dodge his Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (36) Flame Breath frontal cast at all cost.
  • The drake will also cast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (37) Fire Maw on your tank; the "tank-buster"ability will deal massive damage followed by a lingering damage-over-timeFire effect.
  • Finally, once Flamegullet is below 50% health it willcast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (38) Molten Blood, which can be treated as an Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (39)Enrage effectthat cannot be dispelled and will deal damage to all players within 60 yards.The longer the Flamegullet stays alive the more stacksof Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (40) Molten Blood it will get, increasing its damage with every tick, hencewhy you want to delay your damage cooldowns to nuke it faster during this "burn phase".

In order for Kokia Blazehoof to become active, you must firstdefeat the 4 Blazebound Destroyers located around the map.Each of them will be supported by another type of non-boss-enemy; hereare more details:

  • Speaking about Blazebound Destroyer, pay attention to itsRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (41) Living Bomb. It will be cast on a random player, ticking damageper second and triggering an explosion upon expiring (though it also damages nearby mobsif you explode within 6 yards of them). In addition, theywill occasionally cast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (42) Inferno, doing unavoidable AoE damage to everyonewithin 100 yards, plus an additional damage-over-time effect every 2 secondsfor 6 seconds.. Finally, when the Blazebound Destroyer is defeatedit will cast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (43) Burnout; quickly move out of melee to avoid taking lethal damage.
  • Beware of Primalist Cinderweaver's Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (44) Cinderbolt cast; it goes ona random target and should be a priority to be interrupted. When the mob castsRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (45) Burning Ambition, it will take an additional 25% damage, but itsHaste will be increased by 50%. If you can handle the extra interrupts,DO NOT purge the buff to speed up the killing process.
  • Stop the Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (46) Flame Dance cast from the Primalist Flamedancerat all costs. You cannot use interrupt effects, but Stun or Disruption effectswork just fine!
  • There are going to be dozens of Scorchling spread throughoutthe map. They are the least dangerous enemies that can be paired withany other pack of mobs without increasing the difficulty of it. They haveonly one ability, Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (47) Burning Touch, that goes on the highest threattarget (your tank).


Kokia Blazehoof Boss Guide

Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (48)


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  • Avoid being hit from the initial damage of Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (49) Ritual of Blazebinding.Note that it is always based on your location; stacking together will"manipulate" where the add spawns.
  • Switch immediately to Blazebound Firestorm when it spawns.
  • Interrupt Blazebound Firestorm's Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (50) Roaring Blaze at all cost.
  • Once you defeat Blazebound Firestorm, run away from itsRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (51) Burnout damage. On Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (52)Mythic difficulty, the add will also leave a permanentRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (53) Scorched Earth effect on the ground, so be liberal with the surrounding space.
  • Sidestep the Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (54) Molten Boulder cast at all cost; failing to do sowill deal massive damage and stun you for 3 seconds. In addition,don't stand in the leftover fire patch - Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (55) Scorched Earth, so be carefulwhere you "bait" it.



  • Bring Kokia Blazehoof close to the Blazebound Firestormto allow your DPS to cleave effectively.
  • Use active mitigation when Kokia Blazehoof is castingRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (56) Searing Blows on you. Be aware that you will receive afollow up Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (57)Bleed effect that stacks, Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (58) Searing Wounds.



  • Beware of Blazebound Firestorm's Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (59) Inferno cast, as it willdeal unavoidable AoE damage to everyone in your group. This is a good placeto use your healing cooldowns.


Ruby Overlook and Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein


Notable Trash Before Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein

Upon defeating Kokia Blazehoof, you will head down the stairstoward the last boss of the dungeon, Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein.There are a few important mob-types that you must pay attention to while goingthere:

  • Storm Warrior will cast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (60) Thunderclap, damaging allplayers within 5 yards and reducing their Haste by 10%as well as their movement speed by 20%. Mostly, all melee players willget it unless you keep a healthy distance.
  • Use a Purge effect on Primal Thundercloud's Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (61) Tempest Barrierto speed up killing them.
  • Use defensives when Tempest Channeler is casting Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (62) Lightning Storm.In addition, use your interrupts to stop Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (63) Thunderbolt casts and be ready forher when she spawns Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (64) Summon Primal Thundercloud.
  • Interrupt Flame Channeler's Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (65) Flashfire at all cost, as not onlydoes it deal damage to a random player, but it also heals the Channeler. You canchoose to ignore the Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (66) Burning Veins buff, since it makes them take moredamage, but it also increases their Haste by 50%.

In order to activate Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein, you need to defeatHigh Channeler Ryvati, which is the second "mini-boss" of the dungeon.Here are the abilities you should watch out for:

  • Interrupt Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (67) Shock Blast at all cost. Not only does it do high damagebut also it leaves a lingering damage-over-time effect.
  • Use defensives when High Channeler Ryvati is castingRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (68) Lightning Storm.
  • Gain threat on the newly-spawned Primal Thundercloudas quick as you can, when spawned with Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (69) Summon Primal Thundercloud).
  • Break the Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (70) Tempest Stormshield as quick as you can.


Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein Boss Guide

Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (71)

This is one of the hardest 2-phase fights you will face.In the beginning of the fight you will be fighting Erkhart Stormvein,but once he reaches 50% health Kyrakka will join him, starting theSecond Phase. Prior to that, thereare several abilities you must avoid from both bosses:


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  • Dodge the Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (73) Roaring Firebreath coming from Kyrakka; failing to doso will apply a Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (74) Infernocore to you. Once the Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (75) Infernocore expiresit will leave lingering Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (76) Flaming Embers fire pools on the ground, which canre-applies Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (77) Infernocore if you don't move out quick enough.
  • Erkhart Stormvein will periodically castRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (78) Interrupting Cloudburst. The massive torrent will interrupt your castand lock you for 4 seconds, so stop your cast at the end to avoid being locked.
  • Beware when Erkhart Stormvein is casting Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (79) Winds of Change,as it will deal AoE damage to everyone and also apply a pushback effect. The pushback effectwill also move any existing Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (80) Flaming Embers; remember that upon contact they willapply Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (81) Infernocore.
  • During Phase 1 of the fight, Kyrakka will periodically targetone player from your party to cast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (82) Flamespit on it.
  • Chunking Kyrakka's health is going to be the most important as they are themore dangerous part of the boss fight. Use every opportunity to deal damage to themwhile they are on the ground during Phase 1.



  • Once Kyrakka is casting Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (83) Roaring Firebreath, moveErkhart Stormvein closer to allow for your damage dealers to cleaveboth targets.
  • Beware of Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (84) Stormslam cast; it will deal massive frontloadeddamage and apply a debuff to you that will increase Nature damagetaken by 100%. This effect stacks and it is dispellable, so ask yourhealer to remove it as quickly as possible.



  • Be ready to top up your teammates once they have Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (85) Infernocore onthem.
  • Dispel tank after each debuff coming from Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (86) Stormslam.
  • During Phase 1 of the fight Kyrakka will periodically targetone player from your party to cast Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (87) Flamespit on. Make sure to top themup as the hit will also apply Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (88) Infernocore stacks.
  • However, during Phase 2 of the fight, once Kyrakka is downand is casting Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (89) Flamespit, it will deal damage to 2 targets and alsoapply Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (90) Infernocore stacks. This is a good place to use your healing cooldowns.


Ruby Life Pools Loot Table


Melidrussa Chillworn

StaffRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (91) Chillworn's Infusion StaffInt, Crit/Mastery
Mail LegsRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (92) Egg Tender's LeggingsVers/Haste
TrinketRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (93) Ruby Whelp ShellAgi, Str, Int
Plate FeetRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (94) Scaleguard's Stalwart GreatbootsVers/Mastery
Leather HandsRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (95) Subjugator's Chilling GripsCrit/Vers


Kokia Blazehoof

TrinketRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (96) Blazebinder's HoofHaste
Mail HeadRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (97) Blazebound Lieutenant's HelmMastery/Vers
BackRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (98) Fireproof DrapeHaste/Mastery
1H MaceRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (99) Havoc CrusherAgi, Crit/Haste
Leather ChestRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (100) Invader's Firestorm ChestguardMastery/Vers
Off-HandRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (101) Kokia's Burnout RodCrit/Vers


Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein

2H AxeRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (102) Backdraft CleaverAgi, Haste/Crit
Plate ChestRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (103) Breastplate of Soaring TerrorMastery/Haste
Leather HeadRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (104) Crown of Roaring StormsVers/Crit
ShieldRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (105) Drake Rider's StecktargeVers/Mastery
Mail HandsRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (106) Galerattle GauntletsMastery/Crit
TrinketRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (107) Kyrakka's Searing EmbersCrit
Cloth WaistRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (108) Sky Saddle CordHaste/Mastery
DaggerRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (109) Skyferno RondelAgi, Vers/Haste
Cloth LegsRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (110) Wind Soarer's BreechesMastery/Crit


Ruby Life Pools Achievements

There are 8 total achievements to obtain in Ruby Life Pools:

Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (111) Ruby Life PoolsDefeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormveinin Ruby Life Pools.
Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (112) Heroic: Ruby Life PoolsDefeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormveinin Ruby Life Pools on Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (113)Heroic difficulty or higher.
Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (114) Mythic: Ruby Life PoolsDefeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormveinin Ruby Life Pools on Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (115)Mythic or Mythic Keystonedifficulty.
Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (116) Keystone Hero: Ruby Life PoolsComplete Ruby Life Pools at Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (117)Mythic Level 20 or higher,within the time limit.
Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (118) Mythic: Ruby Life Pools Guild RunDefeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormveinin Ruby Life Pools on Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (119)Mythic difficulty while ina guild group.
Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (120) Are You My Broodmother?Defeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein afterchilling, searing, tempering, and keeping alive the NascentRuby Egg in Ruby Life Pools on Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (121)Mythic difficulty.
Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (122) Does Steam Do Fire Damage?Defeat Kokia Blazehoof after heating up 4 lifepools with Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (123) Molten Boulder in Ruby Life Pools on Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (124)Mythicdifficulty.
Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (125) Dragon Kill PointsDefeat Melidrusa Chillworn after defeating 40of her chamber's Infused Whelps in Ruby Life Pools onRuby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (126)Mythic difficulty.



  • 23 Apr. 2024: Guide updated for Season 4.
  • 25 Nov. 2022: Guide added.

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Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (2024)
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