Coniferous Trees For Sale | Evergreen Trees | (2024)

Coniferous Trees for Sale at Nature Hills Nursery

Need year-round privacy, greenery or a sound barrier?Add the character of coniferous trees to your landscape. Conifer trees boast a showy style that requires little care.

And you’re in the right place to buy them. The exact right place. That’s because Nature Hills Nursery got its start by selling conifer trees online in 2001, and we’ve just gotten bigger and better ever since.

Since our inception two decades ago, we've sold forests of these magnificent trees across North America. Shop this special category for just the right tree to anchor your landscape design, or to start a grove of your own.

At once sophisticated and rugged, proud trees in the conifer speciesare easily recognized by their needle-like leaves. Coniferous trees produce cones.

But, you might be surprised to learn that not all cones look alike. The cones range in sizes from thumb-size to over a foot long, and many consider them as natural decorations.

Pine trees, with their traditional showy pinecones, are what immediately come to mind. But did you know the fleshy red cones ofCaptain Upright Pyramidal Yew treesand the fused, scale-like leaves ofCypress treesare also included in the conifer kingdom?

Narrow-leaved coniferous trees are called "gymnosperms," or naked seed trees. Most conifer trees are evergreen, but there are deciduous conifers that shed their feathery needles in fall. These include Bald Cypress,American LarchandDawn Redwood trees.

Find Large Conifers for Sale at Nature Hills Nursery

There is a good reason why all the types of conifers are popular trees and shrubs in home landscapes in the United States.It only takes a single glance to fall in love with these beautiful evergreen trees.

Dignified conifers have a regal presence that provides the structure your landscape design needs. Their durable branches block unsightly views, discordant sounds and fierce winds.

These hardy charmers become a true landscape asset over time.You'll appreciate their durable beauty in the snowy winter landscape.

We have large conifers for sale, with options that perform beautifully in every state. Check your USDA Growing Zone by typing in your zip code above the Plant Highlights on every product page.

Mature conifer trees add much value to your property.You'll be delighted with the appearance and steady performance of your new coniferous trees from Nature Hills Nursery.

Success Tips for Growing Conifer Trees

Especially in smaller gardens, it's critical to choose the right variety and cultivar. Give coniferous trees adequate room to achieve their full size, with sizes listed in the Plant Highlights on the product pages.

Make it easy on yourself by filtering the on-screen results for mature height and spread. You'll find the best option to fit your space.

Don't forget ourevergreen shrubcategory to fill in the lower layers. Choose to feature your favorite flowering plants in front of your coniferous trees.

Design around Adaptable Coniferous Trees

Cold-hardy coniferous trees often grow into a tall pyramidal shape that resembles a traditional Christmas tree. This helps shed the snow load and protects the branches from breaking.

But you'll find thatplant breeders have been busy developing new colors, shapes, sizes and growth habits to bring to market. Perhaps you've seenSlenderina Weeping Blue Spruce?This dramatic selection adds a perfect focal point to a section of your garden.

Coniferous trees are versatile. Use them in a traditional windbreak, mix them on the north side of your shrub border, or add a single specimen tree planting on your front lawn.

Stick with one variety, or mix several together tocreate an effective contrast in a designer setting fit for the pages of a magazine. Natural plant diversity is a good thing in both forest settings — and suburbia.

Keep smaller compact selections, likeBaker's Blue Colorado Blue Spruce,in large outdoor containers for many years. You'll enjoy decorating them for each holiday.

Formal landscapes need cunning accents likeDwarf Alberta Spruce Pom Pom Topiary. Our expert growers take great pride in their creations, but you can go ahead and take all the credit for the amazing shapes of these dwarf pine trees.

Learn How to Create 365 Gorgeous Days with Hardy Containers >>

There is a perfect conifer tree for any situation in your landscape, and they mix easily with other garden plantings.Pick well and you can rest and relax in a care-free garden.

Soft-Needled Evergreen Trees Add a Mellow Vibe

PopularAustrian Pine (Pinus)makes an excellent tall screen.Add charismatic ornamental appeal with these low-maintenance evergreen trees.

Popular nativeEastern White Pinegrows quickly when young. Long, blue-green needles are soft to the touch.

Add some of our specialty pine trees in a collection, or as a specimen. LikeableGreen Penguin Dwarf Scotch Pinewaddles with personality.

Learn How to Prune Pine Trees >>

Stiff, Polished Spruce Trees Look Crisp without Pruning

NativeColorado Spruce are evergreen trees with a dense appearance and long-lived, short needles.Block wind, screen your view, and provide shelter for songbirds with these uniform, durable conifers that are native to North American forests.

GorgeousSerbian Spruce treesbring a graceful look with their deep-dipping branches that rise at the tips.The overall profile is trim and tidy for a sophisticated look.

Use naturally compactDwarf Alberta Spruce treesfor a pop of year-round color where you need it. Tuck these fine-textured small trees into foundation plantings, and mix them into garden borders.

Athletic Arborvitae Trees Deliver Fast-Growing Screening

Large conifer trees likeGreen Giant Arborvitaesolve big problems.They are also one of the fastest growing coniferous trees you can buy.

Mid-sizedEmerald Green Arborvitaemakes a good compromise between privacy and height.You'll create a neighbor-friendly screen with these narrow trees planted in a hedge.

For a lovely highlight, try a golden vertical column at the end of your garden path.Forever Goldy Arborvitae treesmake it easy to achieve designer style.

Include a Mixture of Conifer Trees for Charming Contrast

Grand Fir trees (Abies) bringhandsome, soft-needled character to landscape plantings. Place fast-growingDouglas Firfront and center for a quick style boost.

Soft pyramids likeSoft Serve False Cypress treesare a very useful shape in landscape design. Their soft, airy texture begs for you to run your hand over them. Best of all with these evergreen trees, there’s no pruning required.

For a delicate weeping form, try the high performance ofCascade Falls Bald Cypress. These fanciful deciduous evergreen conifers make a special focal point and offer electric orange fall color.

Fern Podocarpusare related to Yew trees, but are a different species.Their erect, columnar shape is very useful to add an energetic vertical accent, or to shear them into a formal hedge.

Sequoia treesmake exceptional specimens on large properties. This native conifer performs well in both the Mountain West and the Eastern Seaboard.

Planting and Care Tips for Coniferous Trees

Study the Plant Highlights on every product page to learn how to care for your preferred choice of evergreen trees. Most of these trees like well-drained soil.

Conifers also require full sun to thrive. Most Coniferous trees require careful, consistent supplemental water when first planted to establish themselves, but once established are tolerant of the harshest climates.

They usually don’t need pruning to maintain their classic shapes. In fact, we recommend you keep the lower limbs on your Coniferous trees whenever possible.

When you place your order, our team will hold it until the time is right for planting in your area. As soon as your tree ships, track your boxes to your doorstep.

Open them and give your new trees water. Dig a hole twice as wide as the root system, but no deeper.

For important landscape assets like conifers, add Nature Hills Root Booster to your order. Use it during planting to give a life-long symbiotic support for the tiny feeder roots.

Fill the backfill soil around your tree, taking care to ensure the tree is straight. Press firmly and water to saturate the soil to eliminate air pockets.

Newly planted conifer trees should be kept carefully hydrated the first year as the roots get established in your native soil.

What's the Right Way to Water Your New Plants? >>

After the first season, it's a good idea to provide supplemental water during dry weather. Our team also recommends that you water your evergreen trees and shrubs in fall to help protect them over winter.

Coniferous trees can also live longer than any other tree. The oldest trees in the United States are conifers, soyou're planting a legacy with this choice.

Get started on your new landscape adventure.Place your order at any time of the year, and we’ll ship when the time is right for planting in your area. Order your coniferous trees from Nature Hills Nursery today.

Coniferous Trees For Sale | Evergreen Trees | (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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