B14 Worlds 2023 at Lake Garda Form Guide (2024)

by Mark Barnes 10 Jul 2023 01:54 PDT 13-15 & 17-21 July 2023

B14 Worlds 2023 at Lake Garda Form Guide (2) B14s at Lake Garda in 2016 © Tim Olin / www.olinphoto.co.uk

The battle to become supreme champions of the B14 class resumes after a break due to Covid-19. All kicks off with the B14 Europeans, 13th - 15th July, one lay day and then the Worlds, 17th - 21st July at the Circolo Vela Torbole, Lake Garda. The flying circus is now in town and the party begins.

In the left corner we have the Australians and in the right corner we have the Brits, French and Germans. The Ashes are also up for grabs. Which will reign supreme with their top three teams taking home the prize?

B14s at Lake Garda in 2016 - photo © Tim Olin / www.olinphoto.co.uk

What we all know is that the windier it is, the more the Aussies like it. The weather for the first week is fine drizzle, so probably lighter winds playing into the European hands, but the joker in play is light airs specialists The Nude AUS800 Richie Reynolds/Lissa Macmillan.

There is also the classic fleet (pre-2001 hulls) within the main fleet and this will be hotly contested by those eligible to count.

B14s at Lake Garda in 2016 - photo © Tim Olin / www.olinphoto.co.uk

So for the form guide we'll list a few teams in two groups...


Team Harken (3 - 1): Nick Craig/Toby Lewis, current World champions and recent National champions. Going into the event they have form and will be seen by many as the bench mark to beat. However, they have had it far from their own way at the recent Nationals and could be in the mix in most races.

AUS 375 (5 - 1): Craig Garmston/Louis Chapman, part of the McCrae mafia. Serial performers at World and National level. They came close last time out, so ones to watch. They will be flying in the breeze when it eventually arrives. Louis will be out there each morning checking on the wind count. The more the merrier for this team. Good for the podium.

Team France (6 - 1): Alain and Francois Cadre, multiple national, European and World champions across and number of classes and Alain in windsurfing, they are the ones that go below the radar, but are very street wise on the tactics and maximizing opportunity. For them realistically, France's chance of a World Champion rests on their shoulders. Good for a podium position.

Brightline (6 - 1): Mark Watts/Matt Johnson, current European Champions. They have been mixing it with 796, but at the Nationals 796 prevailed. They have the potential of showing a big performance across the breeze range. This could be there moment.

Team Seavolution/North Sails (7 - 1): Mark Barnes/Simon Reynolds, Barnsie needing no introduction has been one of the class's serial race winners with Charlotte Horlock. Having sailed very little in the last year, these two won last time out, but the old band may be a bit rusty, but as they get deeper into the event they should hit form. Potentially one of Europe's Ashes team.

The Nude (8 - 1): Richie Reynolds/Lissa McMillan known as the super lightweight team and boy do they deliver in the light stuff. However, in the heavy stuff where shear righting moment is key, these guys tend to slip back a bit. However, they will probably win one or more races over the two series, and may just be lucky enough to have one with big winds and be on the podium.

B14s at Lake Garda in 2016 - photo © Tim Olin / www.olinphoto.co.uk

Top Ten

There are a number of other teams that will probably end up in the mix come the end. What we can be sure of, is that all will have a race where they'd rather not have finished and other races where they excel. Come the end of each regatta, you can be sure that whoever wins will be worthy champions.

ASBO 2 (10-1): Crispin Taylor/Guy Harrall, the oldest team by one year at the event this rotation, but do not be fooled, they have been training, upgrading and then upgrading again. The will be on the podium in some races and shall be interesting to see how good a series they put together come the business end of both events.

ASBO (10-1): Russ Gibbs/Lucy Laughton, another of the Starcross teams that could be good in the breeze and light. Having won a Nats race in the past, running the latest upgrades, they could be good for the Ashes team.

Whatever happens, one can be sure it will not be over till the fat lady sings. To add spice to the event, the Musto Skiffs will be sharing the venue, on separate courses, with each fleet rotating to the other course daily. So be sure, there will be some big memories generated, great parties and generally a great couple of weeks.

B14s at Lake Garda in 2016 - photo © Tim Olin / www.olinphoto.co.uk

B14 Worlds 2023 at Lake Garda Form Guide (2024)
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