209+ Personal Values A-Z (Definition + Examples) (2024)

Table of Contents
The Psychology of Values Why Values Matter The Formation of Values Values and Mental Health The Difference Between Values and Morals What are Values? What are Morals? How are They Different? Why It Matters to Know the Difference Individual vs. Collective Values What are Individual Values? What are Collective Values? The Difference The Interaction Between Them Debates Around Personal Values Nature vs. Nurture Universal Values vs. Cultural Values Changing Values Over Time The Role of Society Examples of Personal Values Values That Start With A Accountability Achievement Adaptability Adventure Affection Altruism Ambition Assertiveness Authenticity Autonomy Values That Start With B Balance Beauty Belonging Benevolence Boldness Bravery Values That Start With C Calmness Capability Carefulness Challenge Charity Cheerfulness Clarity Cleanliness Collaboration Commitment Compassion Competence Confidence Consistency Contentment Contribution Cooperation Courage Courtesy Creativity Curiosity Values That Start With D Decisiveness Dedication Democracy Dependability Determination Devotion Diligence Discipline Diversity Drive Duty Values That Start With E Eagerness Education Efficiency Empathy Empowerment Endurance Equality Excellence Excitement Exploration Values That Start With F Fairness Faith Faithfulness Family Flexibility Forgiveness Fortitude Freedom Friendliness Friendship Frugality Values That Start With G Generosity Grace Gratitude Grit Growth Values That Start With H Happiness Harmony Health Honesty Honor Hope Humility Humor Values That Start With I Idealism Imagination Independence Individuality Innovation Integrity Intelligence Intuition Values That Start With J Jazziness Joy Journey Joviality Judiciousness Judgement-Free Justice Juvenility Juxtaposition Values That Start With K Karma Keenness Keystones Kindness Kinship Knightliness Knowledge Kudos Values That Start With L Leadership Learning Listening Logic Love Loyalty Values That Start With M Mastery Maturity Meaning Meditation Mindfulness Moderation Motivation Values That Start With N Naturalism Navigability Neighborliness Neutrality Nobility Nonchalance Non-Conformity Nostalgia Notoriety Novelty Nuance Nurturing Values That Start With O Open-mindedness Optimism Organization Originality Values That Start With P Passion Patience Peace Perseverance Perspective Philanthropy Playfulness Pleasure Positivity Practicality Preparedness Pride Privacy Progress Prudence Purpose Values That Start With Q Quality Quality Time Quantifiability Quest for Knowledge Quick-Wittedness Quietude Quintessence Quirkiness Quorum Quotability Values That Start With R Reason Recognition Rejuvenation Reliability Resilience Respect Responsibility Values That Start With S Security Self-Actualization Self-Care Self-Control Self-Esteem Self-Expression Self-Improvement Self-Reliance Sensitivity Service Simplicity Sincerity Skillfulness Solidarity Spirituality Stability Stewardship Strength Success Support Sustainability Values That Start With T Teamwork Thoughtfulness Tolerance Tradition Transparency Trust Values That Start With U Understanding Unity Values That Start With V Valor Vision Values That Start With W Wisdom Wonder Work-Life Balance Values That Start With X Xeniality Xeriscaping Values That Start With Y Youthfulness Yielding Values That Start With Z Zeal Related posts:

Imagine a compass that guides our thoughts, decisions, and actions; that's what personal values are like for each one of us.

Personal values are deep-seated beliefs and principles that influence our choices, shape our behaviors, and provide a framework for understanding our place in the world. Whether we're aware of them or not, our values play a vital role in determining the course of our lives.

From shaping our personal relationships to guiding our professional aspirations, they act as invisible threads weaving the tapestry of our experiences.

In this article, we'll delve deep into the realm of personal values, exploring their psychological underpinnings, the difference between collective and individual values, and even debates surrounding their nature.

Plus, we'll provide a comprehensive list of personal values examples for those curious about identifying and reflecting on their own core beliefs.

Table Of Contents show

The Psychology of Values

209+ Personal Values A-Z (Definition + Examples) (1)

When psychologists talk about values, they mean the things that are super important to us—kind of like our invisible rulebook.

Let's say you really care about honesty; that means you're more likely to tell the truth, even when it's hard. So, in psychology, a value isn't just some idea; it's like a guiding star that helps us make choices in our lives.

These values could be things like love, respect, or courage. Each of these shapes the way we act, what we say, and even what we think about in our free time.

But values aren't just single words or simple ideas; they're more complex.

For example, if you value "family," that might mean you spend a lot of time with your relatives, or it might mean you're working hard to give them a better life.

Each person's value has its unique flavor, like ice cream! You and your friend might both love ice cream, but you might like chocolate, and they might prefer vanilla. It's the same with values. We might share similar values but interpret them in our own special way.

Why Values Matter

You might be wondering, "Why should I even care about values?" Well, values are like the GPS in our brain that helps us make decisions. Think about when you have to choose between doing your homework and hanging out with friends. Your values guide you in making that choice.

If you value education, you'll likely choose to do your homework. If you value social connections more, you might opt to spend time with your friends.

Values also shape our emotions and how we react to things. Imagine someone lies to you. How you feel about that—angry, hurt, or maybe forgiving—is influenced by your values. If you value honesty highly, you might get really upset. On the other hand, if you value forgiveness, you might be more understanding.

Even more, our values affect how we treat other people. If you value kindness, you're more likely to help someone in need without expecting anything in return. So, values are super powerful; they influence not just our actions but our feelings and the way we treat others, which is pretty awesome when you think about it!

Knowing what values we hold is important for mental health too. On the flip side, an interesting study recently showed that individuals with mental health disorders tend to value tradition, conformity, and security more than people without a disorder. Identifying and living by our values also helps people recover and manage their mental disorders.

The Formation of Values

Values aren't just something that appear out of nowhere; they grow and shape themselves over time like a tree. When you're little, your parents, or whoever takes care of you, plant the first seeds of these values. Maybe they teach you to say "please" and "thank you," which helps you learn the value of politeness.

As you get older, other things like school, friends, and experiences water this value tree, making it grow stronger or sometimes changing its shape. A teacher might inspire you to value learning, or a good friendship might teach you the importance of trust. Even the books you read or the shows you watch can make you think differently about what's important to you.

It's kind of like building a LEGO tower. Each LEGO block is an experience or lesson that adds to your values. And just like a LEGO tower, your value system can change if you decide to rearrange some blocks. That's why it's cool to keep learning and having new experiences; they can help you understand your values better.

Values and Mental Health

Believe it or not, knowing your values can even make you feel happier and less stressed. It's like having a map for a treasure hunt; when you know where you're going, it's a lot easier to get there. People who understand their values often have a clearer idea of what makes them happy, what kinds of jobs they might enjoy, or even what kind of friends they want to have.

Not knowing your values, or going against them, can make you feel lost or confused. Imagine trying to sail a boat without a compass; you might end up going in circles or getting stuck. That's why it's good to spend some time thinking about what really matters to you.

In fact, psychologists often help people explore their values when they're going through tough times. It helps people make better choices and even deal with problems like stress or sadness. So, understanding your values isn't just a neat idea; it's a tool that can help you navigate the ups and downs of life.

The Difference Between Values and Morals

You've probably heard the words "values" and "morals" used a lot, and sometimes, they're used almost like they mean the same thing. But guess what? Even though they're close cousins, they're not exactly twins. Let's take a closer look at how they're different and why it's important to know the difference.

What are Values?

You've already got the scoop on what values are—those guiding stars that help you make decisions in life. Remember, values can cover a lot of ground. They can be things like honesty, family, and even personal freedom. But the key thing is, values are your personal guidebook. They're what you think is important in life, and they help you decide how you act, think, and feel.

What are Morals?

Morals, on the other hand, are more like a community's rulebook about what's right and wrong. These are the dos and don'ts that help people live together without turning everything into a giant mess. For example, most people agree that stealing is wrong—that's a moral standard. Morals often come from bigger places like cultural beliefs, religious teachings, or even laws.

How are They Different?

Imagine you're in a ship. Your values are like your personal map, showing you where you want to go based on what's important to you. Morals are like the general sea rules that all ships should follow, like "don't crash into other boats."

Here's another way to look at it. Let's say you value honesty, so you always tell the truth. That's your personal choice based on your values. But morals come into play when you think about the larger rule that lying is generally considered wrong by most people in your community or culture. In this case, your personal value of honesty lines up nicely with the broader moral belief that lying is wrong.

The way that we develop morals and values is very similar. Piaget's Theory of Moral Development claims that three things influence our development: rules, moral responsibility, and justice. Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development claims that by the time we are 20 years old, our values and morals are pretty well established.

Why It Matters to Know the Difference

Understanding the difference between values and morals helps you navigate life more smoothly. Your values help you make personal choices that make you happy and proud of who you are. Knowing the morals of your community or culture helps you get along with others and be a good citizen.

Sometimes, your values and morals might bump heads. For instance, you might value individual freedom but live in a community where certain behaviors are considered morally wrong. Knowing the difference can help you make decisions that honor both your personal beliefs and the rules of the community you live in.

So, while values and morals are closely related, they're not the same thing. Your values are your personal guide, while morals are the broader rules set by your community. Both are super important and understanding how they work together can help you live a life that's both happy and harmonious.

Individual vs. Collective Values

209+ Personal Values A-Z (Definition + Examples) (2)

When it comes to values, it's not just a "me, myself, and I" thing. While each of us has our own set of personal values that guide our choices, we're also part of bigger groups—like families, schools, and countries—that have their own sets of values. These bigger sets of values are called "collective values." So, what's the difference between individual and collective values, and how do they work together? Let's dive in and find out!

What are Individual Values?

Think of individual values as your personal playlist of favorite songs. This playlist includes the tunes—or values—that resonate with you the most. These are the things that make your heart beat faster and guide your actions. It could be stuff like courage, friendship, or creativity. For example, if you value hard work, you might be the kind of person who always gives 100% in everything you do, whether it's a school project or a weekend hobby.

Your individual values are super personal. They're shaped by your experiences, the people you hang out with, and what you believe deep down is important. Just like you wouldn't want anyone messing with your favorite playlist, your individual values are yours and yours alone.

What are Collective Values?

Collective values, on the other hand, are like the top charts of music that a lot of people love. These are values that a group of people agree are important, whether that group is your family, your school, or even your whole country. For instance, many schools value respect and teamwork, which is why they teach you to respect your teachers and work well in groups.

But collective values aren't just about rules or being polite. They help create a sense of belonging and unity. Imagine a big family dinner where everyone values spending quality time together. Those shared values make the meal special and help everyone feel like they're part of something bigger.

The Difference

Here's the big difference: individual values are all about you, and collective values are all about the group. Your individual values are like a selfie—unique and personal. Collective values are more like a group photo, where everyone is part of the picture.

But sometimes there can be a bit of tension between the two. Let's say your family has a Sunday dinner tradition, but you value personal time to read or draw. That's where individual and collective values might clash a bit. The cool thing is, understanding the difference can help you find a balance, like maybe reading before dinner or drawing after everyone has left.

The Interaction Between Them

Guess what? Individual and collective values are not enemies; they can actually be best friends sometimes. Your personal values can influence the group, and the group's values can influence you. For example, if you bring your value of environmental care into your family, you might get everyone recycling or saving water. At the same time, being part of a sports team that values teamwork can help you learn to be a better friend.

In fact, a lot of times our individual values are shaped by the collective values of the groups we're part of. It's like a dance where sometimes you lead, and sometimes you follow, but you're both part of the same rhythm.

Debates Around Personal Values

When we talk about values, you might think it's all straightforward—just decide what's important to you, and you're good to go, right? Well, not so fast! People have different opinions about what values are, where they come from, and even if everyone should have the same ones. Let's look at some of the big debates around this topic.

Nature vs. Nurture

One of the oldest debates in the book is "nature versus nurture." It's like asking, "Were you born loving pizza, or did you learn to love it because everyone around you does?" Some people think our values are built into us from the moment we're born—that it's all about "nature." Others believe our environment, or "nurture," plays a bigger role.

The truth is, it's probably a mix of both. You might be naturally inclined to be curious, but going to a school that encourages asking questions can make that part of you even stronger.

Universal Values vs. Cultural Values

Another hot topic is whether some values are universal—meaning everyone, everywhere should have them—or if values can change depending on your culture. For instance, freedom might be a big deal in one country but less important in another where community harmony is valued more.

This debate can get really tricky when people from different cultures interact. What if something you value, like individual success, is seen differently in another culture that values group harmony? There's no easy answer, but it's important to be open to understanding how different values can be.

Changing Values Over Time

Here's a question for you: Do values change over time, or are they set in stone? Some people think that once you have a set of values, they stick with you for life. Others argue that as you grow and experience new things, your values can shift.

Think about it. As a kid, maybe you valued playtime above all else. But as you grow up, other things like career success or family might take the top spots on your list. It's a debate without a clear answer, but it's good to know that it's okay for your values to evolve as you do.

The Role of Society

Last but not least, there's a debate about how much society should influence our personal values. Should there be a set list of "good" values that everyone should follow? Or should each person be free to choose their own path?

It's a big question, especially when you think about things like laws or school rules. Some people think that having shared values makes a society stronger. Others worry that trying to make everyone have the same values takes away personal freedom.

Examples of Personal Values

Alright, so we've talked a lot about what values are, where they might come from, and even some debates around them. Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty: What are some examples of personal values? Whether you're just starting to think about your own values or looking to understand others better, here's a handy list to get you thinking.

Values That Start With A


Taking responsibility for your actions and owning up to your mistakes or successes.


Striving to accomplish goals and enjoying the sense of accomplishment that comes with it.


Being able to adjust to new conditions or environments smoothly.


Seeking and enjoying new experiences, even if they bring some level of risk or uncertainty.


Valuing close relationships and showing care and love toward others.


Putting others' needs before your own, and acting to benefit society at large.


Having a strong desire for success, achievement, or distinction in something that requires dedication and hard work.


Standing up for your beliefs and values, and expressing your thoughts, feelings, or needs directly.


Being genuine and true to your own character and values.


Desiring independence and the freedom to make your own choices.

Values That Start With B


Seeking equilibrium between different aspects of life such as work, family, and health.


Appreciating aesthetics, symmetry, or grace in both natural and man-made environments.


Desiring a sense of community and relationship with others; valuing being part of a group or family.


Wishing well for others and helping them achieve what they desire.


Daring to take risks, venture into the unknown, or challenge the status quo.


Facing difficult situations with courage and resolve.

Values That Start With C

209+ Personal Values A-Z (Definition + Examples) (3)


Valuing tranquility and quiet, and avoiding unnecessary stress or drama.


Having the skills and abilities needed to achieve goals or handle certain situations.


Taking caution in actions and decisions to avoid unnecessary risks or harm.


Taking on difficult tasks as a way to grow and develop.


Giving help or resources to those in need, without expecting anything in return.


Maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, even in difficult situations.


Valuing clear communication and understanding in both thought and expression.


Keeping oneself and one's environment neat and orderly.


Believing that working together as a team often yields better results than working alone.


Dedicating oneself to a cause, relationship, or goal.


Feeling empathy towards others and wanting to help those in need.


Having the skills and abilities to perform tasks well.


Believing in one's own abilities and making decisions without undue hesitation.


Valuing stability and uniformity in actions and decisions.


Being satisfied with what you have and where you are in life.


Wanting to make a positive impact on other people or a particular situation.


Working well with others, often putting the group’s needs ahead of your own.


Facing fears or difficulties with grace and resolve.


Being polite and respectful toward others.


Valuing innovative thinking and the creation of new ideas or things.


Having a strong desire to learn or know more about something or someone.

Values That Start With D


Being able to make decisions quickly and effectively.


Committing to a task or cause for the long haul.


Valuing the right of each individual in a group to have a say in decisions that affect them.


Being reliable and trustworthy in all your endeavors.


Staying focused on a task and seeing it through to completion.


Dedicating time and energy to a person, cause, or belief.


Working hard and staying focused to achieve what needs to be done.


Having self-control and the ability to stick with difficult tasks.


Valuing the inclusion of people from all backgrounds and beliefs.


Having an internal motivation that propels you to achieve.


Feeling a moral or ethical obligation to perform certain actions.

Values That Start With E


Having a keen interest or intense desire to do or achieve something.


Valuing the acquisition of knowledge and skills.


Completing tasks in the most effective way without wasting time or effort.


Being able to understand and share the feelings of others.


Encouraging and allowing others to take control of their own destiny or situation.


Having the stamina to withstand stress or hardship.


Believing everyone deserves equal rights and opportunities.


Doing the best possible job with the resources available.


Valuing the thrill and exhilaration of new experiences.


Being eager to explore new places, try new things, and learn.

Values That Start With F


Treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination.


Having a strong belief in something, especially without evidence or proof.


Staying true to someone or something over time.


Valuing familial relationships and spending quality time with family members.


Being able to adapt to new situations as they arise.


Being able to forgive those who have wronged you.


Having mental and emotional strength to endure hardship.


Valuing the ability to think or act without outside constraint.


Being approachable and easy to get along with.


Valuing a close relationship based on mutual trust and affection.


Being economical and avoiding waste, often particularly with resources like money or time.

Values That Start With G


Willing to give freely, whether it's time, money, or some other resource.


Handling situations with a sense of elegance or dignity.


Being thankful for what you have.


Having the courage and resolve to accomplish long-term goals.


Seeking personal development, whether it's emotional, mental, or physical.

Values That Start With H


Valuing your own happiness and working to achieve it.


Valuing peace and a balanced, calm lifestyle.


Prioritizing your own well-being, both physically and mentally.


Valuing the truth and striving to be truthful in all interactions.


Having a strong moral compass and maintaining your integrity.


Believing that something good will happen, even in difficult times.


Not viewing oneself as more special or better than others.


Appreciating and valuing laughter and joy.

Values That Start With I


Pursuing high goals and ideals, even if they are difficult to achieve.


Valuing creativity and the ability to imagine new possibilities.


Being able to take care of yourself without relying too much on others.


Valuing your own unique traits and not conforming solely to social norms.


Valuing new ideas and seeking novel solutions to problems.


Having strong moral principles and being honest and fair.


Valuing intellectual capabilities and pursuits.


Trusting your own instincts and gut feelings.

Values That Start With J

209+ Personal Values A-Z (Definition + Examples) (4)


For those who appreciate the arts or creativity, jazziness could be a value. This would signify an appreciation for spontaneity, improvisation, and the blending of different styles or cultures.


Finding happiness and delight in your surroundings and experiences.


Valuing the process or journey over the destination. This might mean that you appreciate the learning and experiences that come with pursuing a goal, rather than just the end result.


Valuing good humor and cheerfulness. If you appreciate joviality, you likely try to keep a positive outlook and bring a sense of light-heartedness to interactions with others.


Valuing the ability to make sensible and wise decisions, especially in difficult situations. If you hold judiciousness as a value, you likely think things through carefully and weigh the pros and cons before taking action.


Valuing a non-judgmental approach towards others. This could mean providing a safe space for people to express themselves without fear of harsh criticism.


Valuing fairness and ensuring everyone is treated equally.


Valuing the simplicity and wonder associated with childhood. This doesn't mean you're immature; instead, you appreciate the straightforward joy and curiosity often seen in younger individuals.


Appreciating the value of contrast or opposition, whether in ideas, design, or in other forms. You might find depth and meaning in contrasting experiences or perspectives.

Values That Start With K


Believing in cause and effect, where your actions, good or bad, will return to you in some form. If you value karma, you aim to do good in the world, believing that it will eventually come back to you.


Being intensely interested or eager about something. Whether it's a hobby, a subject matter, or a social cause, valuing keenness means you're excited to dive deep and learn as much as you can.


Valuing the fundamental principles or elements that everything else depends upon. This could apply to a belief system, a business model, or even a personal regimen that you think serves as a foundation for success.


Being considerate, generous, and friendly to others.


Valuing family ties and friendships as an essential part of human life. If you value kinship, the bonds you share with those close to you are likely among your most cherished relationships.


Valuing the qualities of a medieval knight, like chivalry, courtesy, and bravery. This might seem a bit old-fashioned, but if you value knightliness, you appreciate acts of courage and honor in daily life.


Valuing the acquisition and application of information.


Placing importance on praise and honor received from others. If this is a value for you, you likely work hard to achieve things that you and others can be proud of.

Values That Start With L


Having the ability to lead and inspire others.


Pursuing knowledge and personal growth.


Being able to pay close attention to what others are saying and understand them.


Valuing reason and clear, sound reasoning.


Valuing deep, emotional connections with others.


Being faithful to those you have commitments to.

Values That Start With M


Becoming highly skilled or proficient in certain areas.


Having well-developed emotional and intellectual capabilities.


Seeking a sense of purpose or significance in life.


Valuing quiet reflection and mental clarity.


Being fully aware and present in the moment.


Avoiding extremes and finding a balanced, middle ground.


Having the desire and will to accomplish specific goals.

Values That Start With N


Valuing what's natural or grounded in nature. This can extend from preferring natural foods and medicines to enjoying spending time outdoors.


Valuing the ability to navigate through life's challenges effectively. If this is a value for you, you're likely good at problem-solving and appreciate others who can find their way through complicated situations.


Valuing a sense of community and good relations with the people who live near you. If you value neighborliness, you likely try to be friendly and helpful to those around you.


Valuing impartiality and objectivity, especially in conflicts or debates. If you value neutrality, you probably strive to look at issues from multiple angles before forming an opinion.


Valuing high moral qualities such as honesty, courage, and generosity. If you value nobility, you strive to act in a manner that is honorable and virtuous.


Valuing a calm and composed demeanor, especially in stressful situations. If you value nonchalance, you likely handle stress well and don’t easily get ruffled.


The act of not following conventional rules, beliefs, or practices. If you value non-conformity, you're probably unafraid to go against the grain and forge your own path.


Valuing memories and the feelings they evoke. While some people look always to the future, if you value nostalgia, you find comfort and guidance in reminiscing about the past.


Valuing recognition from others, even if it's not always in a positive light. This could mean you're driven to be well-known or leave a lasting impression.


Valuing new experiences, ideas, or innovations. If novelty is a value for you, you might be easily bored by routine and constantly seek out the new and exciting.


Appreciating the subtle or complex differences in situations, people, or issues. If nuance is important to you, you value a deeper or more sophisticated understanding of things.


Taking care of others and helping them grow.

Values That Start With O


Being willing to consider different ideas or opinions.


Having a positive outlook on life and expecting the best possible outcome.


Keeping your life and environment neat and in order.


Valuing unique ideas and actions over conforming to the norm.

Values That Start With P

209+ Personal Values A-Z (Definition + Examples) (5)


Having intense enthusiasm or desire for something or someone.


Being able to wait calmly without getting frustrated.


Valuing a state of tranquility and absence of conflict.


Continuing to try, even when things are tough.


Being able to see things from different points of view.


Donating resources or effort to help others, without expecting anything in return.


Valuing humor, fun, and games as a way to relax and connect with others.


Seeking and valuing enjoyable experiences.


Maintaining a hopeful and optimistic attitude.


Valuing what is usable and sensible over what is abstract.


Making sure you're ready for any situation that might arise.


Taking satisfaction in your achievements and capabilities.


Valuing your personal space and keeping certain things to yourself.


Seeking advancement and constructive change.


Exercising careful judgment and caution.


Having a reason for doing what you do, giving you a sense of direction.

Values That Start With Q


Pursuing excellence and high standards.

Quality Time

Valuing meaningful and fulfilling interactions with loved ones over just 'spending time' together. If this is a value for you, you prefer deeper conversations and shared experiences that contribute to closer relationships.


Valuing things that can be measured or quantified. This could be important for people who love data, statistics, and concrete results.

Quest for Knowledge

Valuing the journey toward learning and self-discovery. This goes beyond just 'knowledge' to emphasize the ongoing process and adventure of learning.


Valuing the ability to think and respond quickly, especially in challenging or unexpected situations. If you value quick-wittedness, you likely appreciate humor, clever conversation, and resourceful problem-solving.


Valuing peace, quiet, and tranquility. If quietude is important to you, you probably enjoy moments of solitude and places that offer a break from noise and hustle.


Valuing the purest and most essential aspects of life, whether that's love, happiness, or some other fundamental quality. If you value quintessence, you likely strive for the "real deal" in your experiences and relationships.


Appreciating uniqueness and individuality, even if it's unconventional. If quirkiness is a value for you, you probably love things that stand out from the norm, whether it's art, people, or experiences.


Valuing the principle of collective agreement or consensus, especially in a decision-making process. If quorum is a value for you, you believe that decisions should be made collectively with a minimum number of participants to ensure fairness and representation.


Appreciating wit, wisdom, or insight that's worth quoting. If this is a value for you, you love those "a-ha" moments when someone says something so true or clever that it's worth remembering and repeating.

Values That Start With R


Using logical thinking to make decisions and understand things.


Valuing acknowledgment and appreciation from others.


Valuing the time to rest and restore your energy.


Being dependable and keeping your promises.


Recovering quickly from difficulties and setbacks.


Treating others with dignity and understanding their value.


Being accountable for your actions and their consequences.

Values That Start With S


Valuing safety and stability in your life.


Realizing your potential and becoming the best version of yourself.


Taking time to look after your own well-being.


Being able to regulate your emotions and actions.


Having confidence in your own worth or abilities.


Freely expressing your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.


Constantly looking for ways to improve and become better.


Relying on your own skills and efforts to achieve things.


Being aware of and understanding the feelings of yourself and others.


Providing help or beneficial actions to others.


Valuing a lifestyle free of unnecessary complexities.


Being open and truthful in your dealings with others.


Having dexterity or talent in a particular area.


Standing together with others for a common cause or value.


Valuing a connection to something greater than oneself.


Valuing consistency and steadiness in your life or environment.


Taking good care of resources or privileges that are entrusted to you.


Having physical, emotional, or intellectual power or vigor.


Achieving goals and fulfilling your intentions.


Offering help or emotional support to others.


Valuing long-term well-being over short-term gains, often particularly in the context of environmental care.

Values That Start With T


Working cooperatively with others to achieve a common goal.


Paying attention to details that show you care.


Being accepting of others, even when they are different from you.


Valuing customs, rituals, and beliefs passed down through generations.


Being open and honest in your interactions.


Having faith in someone or something.

Values That Start With U


Taking the time to know something or someone in depth.


Feeling a sense of togetherness or oneness with others.

Values That Start With V


Showing courage when facing difficulties.


Being able to plan for the future with imagination and wisdom.

Values That Start With W


Having good judgment based on knowledge and experience.


Appreciating the beauty and vastness of life and the universe.

Work-Life Balance

Balancing career demands with personal and family needs.

Values That Start With X


Valuing the act of being hospitable, especially to strangers or guests. In a world that sometimes feels disconnected or hostile, xeniality places importance on kindness and warm-heartedness toward those we may not know well.


This might seem specific, but in an age of environmental concern, valuing xeriscaping could mean you prioritize water conservation and sustainable gardening. You might live in an area where water is scarce, or you might simply want to reduce your environmental impact.

Values That Start With Y


Valuing youthfulness doesn't mean you're trying to stay forever young; rather, you value the qualities often associated with youth—like wonder, enthusiasm, curiosity, and an adventurous spirit.


This value speaks to the importance of compromise and letting go of your ego for the benefit of a relationship or group outcome. It doesn't mean you should give up on everything you believe in, but that you understand the importance of give-and-take.

Values That Start With Z


Approaching life with excitement and energy.

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.